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家庭 / ... / 支持 生态智能家居常见问题解答


GA refer to the environmentally friendly characteristics and benefits associated with our energy products and services. 这些属性可能包括可再生能源, 减少碳排放, 能源效率, 可持续发展实践, 以及旨在促进更绿色、更可持续未来的倡议. 

在这种情况下,可以将绿色属性视为货币. 货币对地球和经济的价值, 你明智地决定改用太阳能电池板供电.  

推荐 are an important aspect of renewable energy markets and serve as a way to track and verify the production and use of renewable energy. 

例如, 当一个可再生能源发电机, 比如太阳能设施, 产生电力, 它还生成推荐. Each REC represents the environmental attributes and benefits associated with the production of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy. 

Senoko Energy将把你的GA转换成rec出售, 代表你, 给那些想要抵消碳足迹的企业. 这种方式, these businesses can ensure that a portion of the electricity supplied to their customers comes from 可再生来源s, even if it is not physically delivered directly to each customer's location. 

这是一个从你开始的绿色之圈. 你引发的积极连锁反应. 想要有影响力,想要赚钱? 方法如下: 

当企业购买推荐时, they directly support the development and growth of renewable energy projects by creating a powerful signal for increased demand for clean energy. 这种远离化石燃料的转变不仅减少了温室气体排放, 气候变化的主要驱动因素, 同时也为可持续能源的未来铺平了道路.

推荐 also provide a practical solution for industries that may face hurdles in implementing their own renewable energy sources or lowering their carbon emissions.

在本质上, 推荐 act as a valuable mechanism to directly contribute to Singapore's net-zero targets by accelerating the adoption of renewable energy and emissions reduction.
什么是TIGR ??

TIGR代表全球可再生能源交易工具. 它是一个全球注册表, 由APX在美国管理, that authenticates that you generate clean energy and gives you a unique serial number.

LifeGreen24 is a 24-month fixed rate plan that allows you to do your part towards helping Singapore fight climate change and achieve carbon neutral electricity consumption. It is an online exclusive price plan available for households, with monthly e-bills sent to you. 根据你的实际用电量, we will retire the same volume of Renewable Energy Certificates (推荐) under Senoko's Take Charge Programme. For more details, please refer to Senoko Energy's terms and conditions for LifeGreen24.

Renewable Energy Certificates (推荐) are tradable green energy attributes that represent electricity generated from renewable energy generation facilities.

电力可以由可再生和不可再生资源产生. 然而,一旦电力进入电网, it blends with all other electricity sources so there is no way to know exactly what energy source your electricity comes from. 

推荐 therefore represent the clean energy attributes of renewable electricity. 1 REC代表1兆瓦时(1,000千瓦时)的能源产生的清洁, 可再生来源, 比如风, 太阳能, 水电, 或者某些类型的可再生生物质. Since these renewable energy resources induce no carbon as they produce energy, they can indirectly offset the carbon emission produced by the electricity consumed in your household.

There 推荐 are validated and issued through accredited 推荐 platform which are recognised by international registries.


Our LifeGreen24 plan enables your electricity consumption to be 100% carbon neutral; for every 1MWh you use under our LifeGreen24 plan, Senoko Energy promises to purchase (and retire) the equivalent number of Renewable Energy Certificates (推荐) issued by a global registry called TIGR-APX. APX Inc is a leading provider of infrastructure solutions to the environmental and energy markets and they support voluntary renewable energy markets through the Tradable Instruments for Global Renewables or TIGRs registry (http://apx.com/tigrs-overview).

The 推荐 purchased (and retired) by Senoko Energy under our LifeGreen24 plan are generated by 太阳能 in Southeast Asia. The carbon emissions from your electricity consumption at home will hence be offset against renewable energy production from these 可再生来源s.

Our LifeGreen24 plan cost higher than our standard electricity plans because it takes into account the cost of Senoko Energy's purchase of 推荐 to offset your home's carbon emission. 选择加入我们的LifeGreen24计划, you are indirectly encouraging more renewable assets to be planted and your commitment will go a long way towards funding such renewable projects in the region.
How will I know if Senoko Energy has purchased 推荐 equivalent to my electricity consumption?
Every REC has a unique registration number which is stated on the certificate. This registration number can be used to verify the renewable energy's origin via the T-REC.人工智能平台.
Every REC has a unique registration number which is stated on the certificate. This registration number can be used to verify the renewable energy's origin via the T-REC.人工智能平台.


Carbon credits refer to a tradeable permit that allows a company to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or equivalent greenhouse gases; this permit allow s them to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas. 如果一家公司使用的信用额度少于购买的。, 它可以交易和出售其信用给其他需要它的人.e. 碳抵消).

推荐, 另一方面, are the legal instruments used in renewable electricity markets to account for renewable electricity and its attributes whether that renewable electricity is installed on an organisation's facility or purchased from elsewhere. The owner of a REC has exclusive rights to the attributes of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity and may make unique claims associated with renewable electricity that generated the REC (e.g. 使用或被提供兆瓦时的可再生电力, 减少与用电有关的排放足迹).